Natalia Lipkovskaia
You will NEVER be forgotten
Natalia Lipkovskaia is a rhythmic gymnast from Russia who has recently
retired at the age of 19, because of a back injury. When she announced
her retirement, Natalia said that she was afraid of being forgotten; I
have made this web page just to demostrate that it will not happen, Natalia
will be in Rhythmic Gymnastics fans' hearts forever. She was a sportswoman
but also an artist, Natalia was one of those gymnasts that show expressiveness,
coordination with the music, elegance, technique and originality in every
routine. She is also very beautiful and graceful.
The saddest element of this retirement
is that she has gone without getting a major All Around title, something
that her talent deserves. She was
medallist at 1997 World Championships and got three World Titles (hoop
& team in 1997 and team in 1995) and an European Title (clubs
1997) as well as many other medals.
She didn't participate at Atlanta
Olympics because Russia sent two gymnasts more experienced -but not better-
than her: Amina Zaripova and Yana Batyrchina. I was sure that she was going
to be the next Olympic Champion in Sydney but this back injury has stopped
so early her promising carreer.
I can only say that we will miss
you, Natalia.
Sign The Guestbook
Natalia will read it and will realise how many people remember her.
Natalia's Fanpage
Natalia's Profile
© 1998 Paula
Fernández-Bujarrabal Iglesias
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